The Machine

For decades, He built his machine, hand-milling each rod and cog…  It would be his crowning achievement.  The end was at hand.

Over the years, bats had taken residence inside the deeper parts of the machine.

Finally, he started the machine, which promptly blew up.

It’s raining bats and cogs!

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Oedipus Complex

His Oedipus complex had become manifest, causing him to kill his father, and plan to rape his mother.

But his mother had died years before; her death caused his psychological problems.

Still, he found a time machine, and accomplished his goal.

Then he realized when and how he would die.

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The last man on Earth died for the fifteenth time.

The machine jolted him back to life, repairing any damage within minutes.

It did everything to keep him happy, producing entertainment, stimulating conversations, and everything else it thought he needed.

But it could not give him a purpose.

Meaningless immortality.

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