Published at: 07:11 pm - Sunday November 22 2009
When the aliens came, we weren’t ready for them
They came as friends, but we took them for conquerors
They wanted to share their culture and science
We thought they were trying to assimilate us
So we attacked.
And they left.
And now we’re all alone.
Quarantined civilization.
Xenophobic doom.
And there you have it (for now.) To emphasize the fact that the song is in three parts, the recording will be made up of three distinct-sounding parts. Each of the three 50-word segments has its own rhythm, and they will be linked with something special (which I haven’t devised yet…)
Now, in order to catch up to the back-log, I still owe you another story. This will come later tonight.
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Published at: 07:11 pm - Sunday November 22 2009
They brought all this technology
And showed us how to use it properly
They taught us their way of life
And they introduced us to their culture
They solved many (but not all) of our problems
And they only asked for friendship in return
…and we weren’t ready for that.
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Published at: 07:11 pm - Sunday November 22 2009
I thought I’d have this song ready before the end of the weekend. It’s the reason for the lack of updates since Wednesday. Anyway, here are the three 50-word parts of the song. It’ll probably take me another week, at least, to record everything and get the full song ready for posting here. In the meantime, you can enjoy the words outside their musical context, and evaluate them on their own merit.
And don’t bother looking for rhymes, I didn’t put any in there, at least not on purpose.
When the aliens came, we thought we were ready
When they landed, we cautiously greeted them
But we kept our arsenal behind our backs
In friendship we held out our hand
And we secretly made a fist with the other
We thought we were ready
But they had us already!
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