Status Update

After more than a week without any stories, I’ve come to the conclusion that I wasn’t ready to come back to my previous schedule yet.  The holiday hiatus wasn’t enough to recharge my creative batteries.

My day job’s been draining my creativity, and coming up with new ideas for stories has become harder and harder over time, to the point where posting every day became a chore.

I still enjoy writing these stories, though, so I’m not closing this place down.  I just won’t be posting daily for a while.  If I come back to a regular schedule at some point, it probably won’t be daily, at least not until I’ve accumulated a backlog of stories that are ready for publication.

I still want to do a community site based around 50-word stories.  If you know a good CMS I could install and configure easily to build a community site with minimal hassle, please leave your suggestion in the comments to this post.  I’ve been looking into Joomla, but I find it overly complicated for what I want to do, and it makes it too hard for me to mould it into the site I’m trying to build.  Maybe I’m just being lazy.

Basically, I aim to build something like ficlets, but with the 50-word concept instead of a character limit, and with the idea that each story be complete (and not just a fragment of a story, like it was with ficlets) while still providing the possibility to write sequels and prequels.

That’s it for now.  I hope to post new stories sporadically until I can catch my breath again.

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