What’s in a Name?

He had to make a name for himself.

He was strong, but not strong enough to be known for his strength.

Quick, but not quick enough either.

So he invented his signature move: ripping out his enemies’ throats until blood oozed everywhere.

That earned him his name:

The Carotid Kid.

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Robots Can’t Play Ukelele

Today, instead of a 50-word story, I offer you a 50-word song, which I composed, recorded and mixed today, all by myself.

Click the play button to hear the results:

Flash required

Robots can’t play
Their fingers are all wrong
And they’re much too strong
They’d squeeze it too tight
Plus they can’t fly a kite

Robots can’t play
They don’t know ’bout melody
Mess up theĀ  harmony
They can get in the rhyth’um
But a uke isn’t a drum

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