The Infinite Strip-Tease

The girl kept on seductively stripping, but every garment she removed left a residue that  gradually covered her again.

“That poor girl’s going to die of exhaustion.”

“Not my problem, she signed the contract, she can’t leave the stage until she’s completely nude.”

“It’s inhuman, yet I can’t stop watching.”

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No, that’s not Klingon

.thguoht eh “,ereht wen gnihtoN”

.meht dnatsrednu t’ndid eh dna ,mih dnatsrednu t’ndid yeht esuaceb ,enoyna htiw etacinummoc t’ndluoc eH

.lamron ot nruter dna tceffe eht (niaga drow taht s’ereht) esrever ot yaw a fo kniht ton dluoc eh dna ,sdrawkcab emit decneirepxe won eH.  secneuqesnoc neeserofnu dah tnemirepxe siH

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